Transforming Lives.
Building Communities. Restoring Hope.

About Us
At Emily’s Place, we provide care for women fleeing domestic violence and their children for up to two years, giving families the time and support they need to find housing and achieve financial independence, away from their abuser. We fulfill this mission through programs and services that address clients’ need for transitional housing, trauma-informed counseling, case management, transportation, childcare, advocacy, and financial and workforce education.

My Mother's Story
Our Story
In 2002, Emily’s Place founder and President Mark Hagan launched a nonprofit ministry in a 1,300-square-foot former church parsonage with $15,000 in donations. Initially, the ministry provided transitional housing for homeless women but soon narrowed that focus to women fleeing domestic violence and their children. By 2012, Emily’s Place had moved to a two-acre campus in Plano, Texas, which today serves 250 residents, program graduates, and their children every year.

Emily’s Story
When founder and President Mark Hagan settled on a name for Emily’s Place, he was honoring the memory of his late cousin Emily Mays.
Given up at birth, she was alone and without a home. That changed when she was adopted by Hagan's aunt and uncle, Vivian and Ron Mays, who provided her with love, support, and guidance throughout her life. Tragically, Emily struggled with bipolar disorder, and her family lost her to suicide at age 22. Through Emily’s Place, they keep her memory alive while offering women facing their own struggles the opportunity to transform their lives.